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May 23, 2009

Blogging is dead. Same for Facebook and Myspace. Long live twitter!

My friend

May 6, 2009

journal This is my visual journal I’ve had since 2004.  Its a small moleskine that starts out with two panels on each page.  Then once you reach the halfway point the panels become smaller fitting four to a page.  I like it.  Switching it up like that really caught me by surprise when I first noticed.  Which was sometime in 2008.

There is a big gap in the pages.  The first 3 pages were done when I intitially recieved it as a present.  For some reason I stopped drawing in it.  For 4 years I didn’t doodle one thing in it.  I remember times were good during that time and honestly with the 18X24 pads and art classes at the SMFA I must have simply tucked him away a lost cause or a why do that when you can do this?

When the ball finally dropped and the tough times came crashing through I found him in a draw I barely opened and he was there waiting for me.  I had neglected him for so long but he didn’t judge.  He was just happy to be needed again and I was happy to have him.

There are now over 90 drawings in his pages and we’re still going.

bonus: the stickers are from a Maine College of Art info package my mother in law sent me in 2005.


May 4, 2009

Finally settling down. Now am in the transition stage from MA to ME.

Starting some new works specifically designed to sell on my etsy shop. They’ll be affordable and good quality. Which is why drawing has been my medium of choice.

If you would like to check it out here it is

All proceeds will probably go towards peanut butter and apples cause my son goes through them like crazy.

Hooray for infotainment!

March 31, 2009
ballpoint pen on paper 9X12 2007
ballpoint pen on paper 9X12 2007

I’ve been sick for the past few days.  Really sick.  During this time I did an abnormal amount of television viewing.  So clicking through the channels trying to avoid reality TV at all costs I would come across all these “news networks” showing politicians outraged over the money they signed over to AIG and the like.  I mean you guys were the ones who read the bill and then attached your John Hancock to it so how can you all be so pissed off?  The tax payers didn’t get to see the bill before hand and we certainly didn’t sign it and pass it through congress.  We’re the ones who should be on TV shouting “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” not you monkeys.

eh they all just want to get re-elected and the best way to do that is to “connect with the common man” I guess. Demagoguery is so unbecoming.  I much prefer rationality.

This all reminded me of a sketch I did that I called The Politician

under the weather

March 27, 2009

have come down with a nasty case of pnemonia. be back when it subsides. right now can only take medicine and sleep.

Going through the motions

March 24, 2009
oil paintstick on paper 14X17

oil paintstick on paper 14X17 2007

Every day that I come into work is a battle now that I know I’ll be headed to college.

It feels like what I must assume is how you feel once you’ve won the lottery.

There’s got to be a few days in between winning and getting the money that you must go to work and think “man once my check comes in I’m out of here so fast!”

I’ve got nothing against my job or anything.  Its that just I’d rather be drawing.


Before spiff came to town

March 20, 2009
pencil on paper 12X12

pencil on paper 12X12 2006

This is a pre-baby self portrait drawn while living in Cambridge in probably the greatest apartment I’ve lived in so far.  Anxiety and worries of future responsibilities caused me to lock myself in my studio room and draw til the wee morning hours.

After attacking the 18X24 pastel paper I sat down next to our small standup mirror and sketched this self portrait.

Keep it simple, student

March 19, 2009
pencil on paper 9X12 2007

pencil on paper 9X12 2006

Another figure drawing from my continuing ed days at the SMFA.

This was a favorite of my teachers and when he first saw it he said, “I think we might have a diamond in the rough here.”

That statement to this day still drives me in my pursuit of my full artistic potential.

Female Nude with Hand on Head

The Dark Ages

March 18, 2009
oil pastel on black paper 32X36

oil pastel on black paper 32X36 2007

My father is a big military enthusiast.  He reads every Military History Quarterly he gets on top of the slew of other books and magazines he owns and subscribes too.  He could tell you who won in what battle and why.  He is also very for historical accuracy in movies.  Nothing burns him more than the wrong armor or wrong period tank being used.

I’m not as big a fan but I do think that the military is vital if used properly.  If not it becomes dangerous to the people it represents.

boob crotch justice was done during a time when, I feel, the military was being grossly neglected by their leaders and unfortunately I can’t confidently say that things are any different today.


March 17, 2009
pencil on paper 6X8

pencil on paper 6X8 2008

The second self portrait drawn in my bathroom at stupid o’clock.

Happy St. Patricks Day!